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We hope that you have found the ‘We Care’ courses useful.  We would like to invite you to take part in a multiple choice quiz to test your knowledge.  After successful completion you may download your completion certificate.

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Please tick the correct Dementia Subtypes from your training programme?


Memantine is a drug which can be used to slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease.


What does the mnemonic PINCH ME stand for?


Which of the following are causes of delirium in dementia? Tick all that apply.


The hippocampus is involved in converting short term memories to long term memories. Which lobe is the hippocampus located?


Identify the symptoms of depression in Dementia from the list below? Tick all that apply.


Please tick the 5 pieces of information you should find on a communication Passport?


In addition to Memory and cognition, Please tick what else may be affected if diagnosed with vascular dementia?


Alzheimer’s disease is the most commonly diagnosed dementia, accounting for approximately 60-70% of cases. Which is the second most commonly diagnosed dementia?


ABC charts are used for? Tick all that apply.